1-800 Contacts App Redesign
The 1-800 Contacts app successfully streamlined the contacts-ordering process but lacked a thoughtful, user-friendly design.
Collaborate with the app development team to redesign the entire app experience and improve the end-to-end flow.
Nov 2014 - Aug 2015
Old Flow
– App felt busy and hard to scan at times
– Research previously done showed that customers more quickly found their box by viewing a picture of their box instead of the actual name–and images felt really small.
Possible Solutions:
– Improve layout and readability by using more white space and use a grid to ensure elements line up nicely.
– Show bigger images of products.
I started out by sketching out ideas and possible solutions. Each week I would present my designs to our team which consisted of myself, art directors and lead developers. Each chunk of flow in the app would go through about 2-3 iterations.
Final Designs
Involve developers early on. Prior to my arrival, the app belonged entirely to the app development team and they later revealed how hesitant they were to allow me to redesign the entire experience. We involved the app dev team from the very beginning and it taught me how important it was to make them a part of the design process. They were there every step of the way providing a unique and immensely valuable perspective. I also believe it gave them a continued sense of ownership so that by the time it was ready for handoff, they were excited to build something they had helped design.
When in doubt, A/B test! Our team prided itself in being data-driven and making design decisions backed by data whenever possible. When we couldn’t decide on a direction and it made sense to, we’d put two designs to the test and let the results decide.
Decide who has the final say. With a team as large as ours, it was challenging to navigate so many different and valid opinions. While we A/B tested as much as we could, sometimes a decision boiled down to a matter of opinion. In those instances, it was helpful and important to know who had the final say. When it came to designing, I had the final say and was grateful that my team respected that. When it came to the business, the final say was given to the VP of Digital Commerce.